
Why Is My New Form Not Showing In The Mobile App?


When a new Form is built in your SiteDocs account, it must be added to the Mobile App in order for your Workers to see it and fill it out. This is so that you are free to work on a Form Template until it is fully finished and so your Workers will not accidentally fill out a Form that is not finished being built. 

Depending on your account setup, there are 2 different ways to accomplish this:


Custom App Menus

If your account has Custom App Menus enabled, you must add the Form to your Custom Menu in order for your Workers to use it. 

  1. Select "Edit Main Menu" (or "edit Locations Menu if you only want to activate it for specific Location Profiles).Screenshot_2022-12-07_at_10.21.39_AM.png

  2. Select the "Add" button in the Form Menu. Either pick the top left button to add to the main Menu or select "add" next to the folder you would like the Form to be added to.
  3. Select "Save Menu" to save your changes.

Standard Form Menus

If your account does not have Custom Menus enabled, then you must set the Form to "Active" in order for your Workers to use it. (For information about enabling Custom App Menus, click here.)

  1. Select the bubble next to the Form in question. If the Form is inactive, you'll notice that the text in the Name is grey rather than black.
  2. Select "Set Active" from the blue bar at the top of the page.

Alternatively, you can add the "active" column to quickly mark Forms active going forward:

  1. Select the Gear Icon in the top right corner of the Form Template Library and select "Add/Remove Columns".
  2. Select "Active" to add the new column.
  3. Now you can simply select the bubble in the Active column to activate your new form!
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