
Canada Vs. US Data Hosting


Is Data hosted in the US or Canada?

Our data is securely hosted with Microsoft Azure in the US. For more information on how your SiteDocs data is securely stored, please click here.


Our company doesn’t allow data storage in the US, what can we do?

Some companies have policies regarding data storage in Canada vs. the United States.  Typically the concern is regarding the Patriot Act, which allows the NSA to request that Microsoft give access to data in it’s data center.  

  1. It’s difficult to imagine that the NSA or US Government would have any need to request a Canadian company's safety documents and information from Microsoft.
  2. Poor passwords, or user error are far more likely to result in data being viewed by unauthorized parties than having data hosted in the US.


Our opinion is that there isn’t any significant risk in having data from a Canadian organization in a US Data Center.


Even if the risk is low, our company policy is non-negotiable, what can we do?


We do understand that some organizations have these data policies in place for a wider variety of reasons and so in these cases, some companies have reached a compromise with their IT department by limiting SiteDocs worker data to just first and last names.  


Will SiteDocs ever host data in Canada?

Microsoft recently opened a Canadian data center in mid-2016.  This means that technically SiteDocs could move data for Canadian customers to this data center at some point.  We are currently in the exploratory stages of determining the development costs and the various complexities of migrating our various operations to the Canadian data center.

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