
Workflow Studio Terminology


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There are a lot of terms used in Workflow Studio Videos, Articles, and Training calls that aren't used in other parts of SiteDocs. Here is a list of terms and definitions for your review:


Module/Connector - An extension to a main program dedicated to a specific function. Each Software that Workflow Studio connects to has a Module in Workflow Studio. You will find them by selecting "Add Module".

- Each module contains a number of Triggers or Actions. These are pre-built software packages that help to interact with external applications or data sources. Each action has a specific function in relation to the module that is selected. (For information about the Triggers and Actions available for SiteDocs, click here)

Webhook - Some of these Triggers are classified as Webhooks. Webhooks are automatically generated URLs that you can call from an external app or service. Contrary to scheduled triggers, which periodically ask a given service for new data to be processed, webhooks execute the Workflow immediately after the webhook URL receives a request (for example, when a Form is signed or a Worker is created).

Data Point - Each Trigger or Action creates Data Points to use in your Workflows, these can be mapped into the fillable fields in other Modules. These Data Points will contain strings of information that will be dynamically used to finish your Workflow.

- A filter is a program or subroutine that processes a string, producing another string that is pared down based on the settings of the filter (For more information about filtering in Workflow Studio, click here).

- A string is a sequence of characters stored in a character array. Each Connector in Workflow Studio creates outputs of several different strings that you can work with.

- An array is a variable that can store multiple values. Arrays are noted in Workflow Studio with Brackets at the end of the data point title. These can be separated by using an Iterator.

- A variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program. 

- Bundles organize their contained resources into well-defined subdirectories, which can then be used later in your Workflows.

- An iterator is a special type of module that converts an array into a series of bundles. Each array item will output as a separate bundle (For more information about Iterators in Workflow Studio, click here).

- An aggregator allows a user to merge several bundles into one single bundle (For more information about how to use Aggregators in Workflow Studio, click here).

  - The Router module allows you to branch your flow into several routes and process the data within each route differently. Once a Router receives a bundle, it forwards it to each connected route in the order the routes were attached to the Router (For more information about how to use Routers in Workflow Studio, click here).

Data Store
- Data stores allow users to store data from scenarios or transfer data between individual scenarios or scenario runs. You can use data stores to store data from apps during scenario execution. Data stores are similar to simple databases (For more information about Data Stores, click here.)


- A scenario is comprised of a series of modules that indicate how data should be transferred and transformed between apps/services. Scenarios are used to create Workflows, Notifications, and/or Integrations with SiteDocs.

- Each SiteDocs Admin and SuperAdmin will be given their own Team. This is a private workspace that contains the user’s Workflows and Connections (For more information about Teams, click here).

- Every SiteDocs account has its own Workflow Studio Organization. Each Admin and SuperAdmin in the SiteDocs Admin Panel will be assigned to that Organization. (For more information about Organizations, click here).

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