
What Kind Of Data Usage Can I Expect?

Downloading Your Account Data:
The first time you sync your account, the app will need to download all your safety documents so they are available in a situation when you are offline. We recommend that you do this initial sync over wi-fi if possible. The amount of data usage will depend on how many documents are in your account. A typical account can have anywhere from 100mb - 300 MB of data.
Daily Sync:
Keeping the app up-to-date through the week only requires minimal data usage as it will only download the most recent account updates.
Uploading Forms - Photos:
Uploading a form takes minimal data as well. All photos are re-sized & compressed to use as little data as possible.
Tracking Cellular Usage:
On iOS (Apple) Devices: To view SiteDocs usage, you can navigate to Settings > Cellular > (Scroll to SiteDocs).  These data levels are not automatically reset. At the bottom of the list,  you’ll see an option to ‘Reset Settings’ if you’d like to reset these settings.
On Android Devices: To view SiteDocs usage, you can navigate to Settings > Data Usage > (Scroll to SiteDocs). These data levels are automatically reset based on the date range you have set.
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