
Using The SiteDocs Module With Forms And Resources


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The SiteDocs Module contains 4 connectors that pertain to Forms and Resources:


Form or Resource Completed:

This connector will trigger a Workflow to start when a Form or Resource is signed for the first time. It also allows you to Filter by Form Template Name, Worker who signed the Form, and Locations where the Form was completed. Simply check the boxes for the items you wish to Filter for. 

Get Form Content:
This connector will return the content from a Form that was pulled in a previous connector. You can map in the ID from the previous connector. Click Here for more information on Mapping Data Points.


Note: Workflow Studio is only accessible through the Admin Panel. As such, any Private Forms that are fetched using Workflow Studio will show all relevant informatgion.


Form Content includes Section Names, answers to questions, Comments, Attached Images, and indications of Follow Up Forms connected to each item.

Get Form Details

This connector will return the details of a Form from a previous connector. This includes the Form ID, Label, Date Form was completed, Worker name who completed the Form and who last modified the Form, Due Date of Follow-Up Forms, Location ID, and more.

Search Forms and Resources

This connector will search the SiteDocs account for specific signed Forms or Resources for use in a Workflow. This connector allows the user to filter for Form Template or Resource Name, Label, Form Type, Location Name, Worker Name, and Date Completed. This connector also returns some Form Details, like the First and Last name of the Worker, Label, Date completed, Due Date, and more.


Create Follow Up

This connector allows a user to create a Follow-Up Form attached to a Form identified in a previous Module. Once Form ID and Form Item ID are mapped in or manually entered, the user can choose a Follow-Up Template, Due Date, and who to assign the Follow Up to (For more information about mapping data, click here).

Search Form Templates

This connector will search a SiteDocs account for specific Form Templates. This module does not return information about completed documents, just the Template that you would find in the Admin Panel. This connector contains outputs for the Date Completed, Date last Modified, Worker IDs for those who completed and who last modified the Template, The Name of the Template, the Type of Document it is, and if it is private or not.


Get Template Details

This connector will search Form Templates and output the basic details of the Template. The output for this connector contains The Template ID, the Template Name, the type of document (Form, Resource, Follow Up) if it can be duplicated, if it is private, and the date and worker information for completion and last modification.

Get Template Content

This connector will search Form Templates and output the details of what is contained in the Template. This includes What Item is used as the Label, Section Names, Whether Sections are Collapsible or Repeatable, and Item Names and what type of Item they are.

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