
How Do I Add A Signature To A Previously-Signed Form From The Web App?


From the Web App, easily add a signature to a previously-signed form without revising or duplicating the form. Here's how:

1. From the home page, check the GPS icon to ensure you are on the correct Location.

2. Select the Form menu on the far left.


3. Select the name of the Form.

4. Select "Previously Signed".


5. Select the date and time stamp of the Form you wish to add a signature to.

6. Scroll to the bottom of the Form and select the green "Add Signature" button.


7. Select your name from the drop-down menu and sign your name, then select Save & Close.

To learn how to add a signature to a previously-signed form from the Mobile App, click here.

To learn how to add a signature to a previously-signed form from the Admin Panel, click here.


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