
How To Set Up Online-Only Mode



By enabling Online-Only Mode (network coverage or wifi required) for the SiteDocs Mobile App, Workers' devices will:

  • Use less cellular data
  • Take up less device storage

How It Works:

SiteDocs typically shows the user a list of forms signed in the last 30 days (default sync range). Behind the scenes, the app downloads the content of these forms (each answer, photo, signature, etc.) to ensure users can view these signed documents, even if their device is offline.  

With Online-Only Mode, SiteDocs will still show a list of previously-signed forms in the last 30 days, BUT the app will not download the content of the forms in the background. Instead, if a user selects a form, it will immediately download the form content so it can be viewed.

As you can guess, the user must have an internet connection to download and view a previously-signed Form or Resource.

Important Notes:

  • If a user is offline, they will not be able to download signed documents for viewing, duplicating, revising or adding signatures but they can still fill out and sign new Forms or Resources.

  • If a user is not on the most recent app version, they will not see ANY previously signed Forms or Resources on their device if Online-Only Mode has been activated. 

  • Changing a user to Online-Only Mode changes the app behaviour going forward. Previously-signed Forms or Resources that have already been downloaded remain on the device.

Users can choose to 'reinstall the app' to remove old Forms from their app that had previously been synced. Please ensure users have completed all drafts ("In Progress" Forms) before deleting the app. 

  • Changing a user back to 1-month of offline storage changes the app behaviour going forward. Previously-signed Forms or Resources that have NOT been downloaded won't be available offline. 

Users can choose to 'reinstall the app' to ensure all forms wanted for offline storage (e.g. 1 month) are immediately downloaded and available offline. Please ensure users have completed all drafts ("In Progress" Forms) before deleting the app.

  • The Wifi-Only feature (Setting > Photo & Data Settings > Download form signatures/form image contents/certificate images using WIFI only) in the app is for background sync only and does not apply to devices using Online-Only Mode. This means that when selecting a form to download using Online-Only Mode, your device will use whatever internet connection it is using at that time.  

How to Enable Online-Only Mode: 

1. Ensure Workers are using the latest version of the SiteDocs app.

2. From the Admin Panel > Workers Organizer View, enter the number '0' under the column "Offline Storage (Months)", previously known as "Sync Date Range (Months)".


Can't see "Offline Storage (Months" as one of the columns? Click here to learn about how to set up the Workers page. 

That's it! Workers will have Online-Only Mode enabled going forward. (In other words, after downloading the latest app version, they don't need to do anything on the app itself to activate this feature.)



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