We've made it easy for you to share your signed Forms and Resources from a specific Location with another SiteDocs-using company. For example, this is perfect for Sub-trades (Sender) sending their safety documentation to their Prime Contractor (Receiver).
Step 1: From the Receiver’s Admin Panel
Under the Locations Tab:
1. Select (or create) a Location > select Auto-Share.
2. Since the Receiver will be receiving Forms from the Sender, select Request Form Sharing under Receiving.
3. Type in the Sender's email connected to their SiteDocs account > select Request to send an invitation to the Sender
NOTE: If the user that you are requesting Forms from has Multi-Account access, Auto-Share will only find the first account they were added to. If this occurs, you may need to use the email of a different Administrator in the SiteDocs account.
Note: The Receiver must set this up before the Sender can proceed with Step 2 (below).
Step 2: From the Sender’s Admin Panel
Under the Locations tab:
1. Select (or create) the Location you would like to automatically send Forms from.
2. Select Add Recipient under Sending.
3. Select Auto-Share to Another SiteDocs Account. If the Receiver has completed Step 1 (above), you will see their invitation. If you do not see their invitation, tell them to get their act in gear and send you one. :)
4. Select the SiteDocs Account that sent the invitation > select which Forms or Resources you want to share > Select Apply.
Once you select the "Apply" button, all selected Forms (past and present) from the Sender will appear in the Receiver's Signed Document Report. (At this time, shared Forms do not appear in the Monitor) Each entry will include the time and date stamp, the Form name, the name of the Location from which the Receiving sent the invitation, and the Name of the Sender's Company.
We recommend you create a new Location, using the name of the Sender, in the Receiver’s SiteDocs account. This is for 2 purposes:
1-The Sender’s Forms will show up under this Location in the Receiver’s Signed Document Report.
2-It is from this Location that you will need to send invitations to the Sender. For each of their Locations that you want to receive Forms from, you will need to send a new invitation. For example, if they have 5 Locations from which they are signing forms that you need to receive, you will need to send 5 invitations. Then, they will need to accept each invitation in each of those 5 Locations.
Want to stop sharing signed documents with the Receiver? Simply select the trash can icon on the same row as the Recipient name.