
What is Auto-Share?


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Do you need to send your documents outside of your SiteDocs account but don't want to export each file and send them manually? Look no further than Auto-Share!

SiteDocs has a few options for Auto-Sharing Documents:

Auto-Share From All Locations

This page allows you to send a PDF copy of a Form(s) by email to designated email addresses any time the Form(s) is signed at any Location. This is ideal for things like Incident Reports or Stop Work Orders where you may need to be notified no matter where the Forms are signed.

For more details, click here.


Location-Specific Auto-Share to Email

This option in each Location profile allows you to send a PDF Copy of a Form(s) by email when it is signed at a specific Location Profile. This is ideal for things like Site Inspections or Hazard Assessments where other contractors on site may want a copy of Documents from a shared site.

For more details, click here.


Location-Specific Auto-Share to Another SiteDocs Account

Like above, this allows you to send a copy of a Form(s) when it is signed at a specific Location Profile. However, with this option, the Form(s) can be sent directly to another SiteDocs account and a link to the Form will show on that Company's Signed Document Report. This is ideal for things like Site Inspections or Hazard Assessments where other contractors on site may want a copy of Documents from a shared site and are also using SiteDocs.

For more details, click here.

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