
Custom Colors in Analytics


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Did you know that you can use your own Custom Colors in Analytics?

  1.  Select the Color you would like to change.
  2. Fill in the Hex Code for your custom color in the field at the bottom of the color selector window.

How do I find the Hex Code for my Custom Color?

If you are using a Company Color (like from your website or logo), then your Marketing Department may know the code. If not (or if you're using a different color), you can use websites like to find the color of any image file (like a screenshot of your company logo or website). Often the Technical Specialist Team will use this website to customize your Dashboards to match your Company Logo in SiteDocs.

Additionally, if you use a Mac Computer, the Mac OS includes a handy app called "Digital Color Meter" that will give you the Hex Code of the color your mouse is hovering over.


Useful Color Codes:

  • Readable Green (ideal for highlighting pivot table data): BBDB7F
  • Readable Red (ideal for highlighting pivot table data): FC7570
  • SiteDocs Yellow: F9D61B
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